Saturday 14 June 2014

Garage progress

Now that the kit is ordered, rather than twiddle my thumbs, I need to crack on with getting the garage ready as there is still quite a bit to do. I have ripped out the old electrics (which wouldn't have passed any modern test), an old workbench (which I will replace with something bigger) and started painting the walls. To make it more comfortable in the winter I have put up a ceiling (thanks for the help Dad) which I intend to insulate and board over in time, which will give me a great ceiling space to store lightweight parts like body panels. The beams are really close together, so I've had to cut part of one of them and move it over to allow for a decent sized loft hatch.

I've currently got no lights and limited temporary power in there at the moment, so that will be the first thing to sort out. I was going to paint the floor, but after spending some time on my knees painting the walls I've decided to buy some proper rubber tiles instead, as this will be a much nicer surface to work on and should also help with the insulation a bit. There are also plenty of things to throw out or sell to make a bit of room.

Right, I need to get on with it. Anyone want to buy a fridge freezer or a mini moto?

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